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Breakout Box 


Engage your participants with a personalized Breakout Box, 

sent to each attendee ahead of time,

crafted to your meeting theme / product.


Combatting the proven 60% loss of attention by attendees

in virtual meetings (compared with live meetings). 



As simple as a coffee cup with your logo, 

craft coffee & accoutrements for them to enjoy  

or  5 wrapped relevant items, to be revealed at different times during your virtual meeting.  


Image by Headway


Ways to make an impact


Adding The 'EXPERIENCE' to Virtual Meetings 


Experience elements, such as surprise appearances by celebrity speakers, sports stars, and business moguls. Creative breakout sessions and workshops to re-energize participants

and add dimension to virtual meetings. â€‹

  • Chairperson/Hosts and MC's weave your theme/brand throughout virtual meetings, using proven techniques to keep participant interest.

  • Industry experts & celebrities for workshops/breakout sessions 

  • Talk show style interview sessions with your experts or current clients, for a fast-paced way to share your content.

  • Experiences to break-up content, such as a Celebrity Vintner (with wine sent ahead of time) and a prize, such as monthly wine delivery.  

  • Follow-up gifts, challenges, and experiences sent to participants after event, to retain engagement.



Optional ongoing relational tactics, click here 



Sales Tools for when you can't meet  


Prompts for your Sales Team to reach out to current & prospective clients 

We use our formulated 'client forensics' to create a list of engagement strategies that your sales team can utilize. Constant monitoring and tracking of your must-win logos' selected individuals: interests, milestones, news-worthy items, and associations. Creating unique reasons for your sales team to engage via emails, calls, gifting or experiences. 

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